Our brains have always been a subject for human investigation, but scientists have had to perform their analysis on dead tissue. Recently neuroscience has developed new imaging technology to watch the living brain while it performs its functions, healthy as well as sick. Every day, new insight into diseases in the brain appear and possibilities for treatment explored, and the connection between mind and brain can now be explored analytically.
Release: 1997 (Denmark)
Duration: 88 minutes
Genre: Documentary feature
Spoken language: Danish
Director: Dola Bonfils
Screenplay: Dola Bonfils
Cinematography: Björn Blixt
Editor: Niels Pagh Andersen
Sound Design: Henrik Garnov
Composer: Thomas Clausen
Producer: Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Coproducers: The Danish FIlm Institute and DR
Produced with support from: The Danish FIlm Institute, DR, Forsikringsselskaberne,
Gangsted Fondet, Ib Henriksens Fond, The Danish Ministry of Social Affairs
and Sygekassernes Helsefond