With Goethe's colour theory as a springboard, the film takes us on a journey through the universe of colours. We see how colours arise and 'behave', and how we perceive them and are influenced by them. Individual phenomena are explained in laboratory demonstrations, then shown in nature, in landscapes, changing seasons, fields of flowers, skies and bird's feathers.
Release: 1998 (Denmark)
Duration: 52 minutes
Genre: Documentary Short
Spoken language: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English
Director: Henrik Boëtius, Marie Louise Lauridsen and Marie Louise Lefèvre
Cinematography: Manuel Sellner
Editor: Peter Englesson
Sound Design: Henrik Garnov and Niels Arild
Composer: Palle Mikkelborg
Producer: Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Coproducers: DR, The Danish Film Institute and The Danish Ministry of Education
Produced with support from: The Danish Ministry of Culture, The Danish/German Cultural Fund, Queen Margrethe and Prince Henriks Fund, E-Motion Pictures, The European Unions 16:9 Action Plan, Filmkopi Fonden, Hysteria Film, J.C Hempels Fond, JL Fondet, Johan Ankerstjerne A/S, Kodak A/S and TV Ventures.