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The programme followed a group of Danish scientists as they tried to develop a vaccine for HIV, and offers an insight into a branch of medical science with modest beginnings in Denmark but which has since spread internationally and now appears to be one of the most promising weapon in the fight against AIDS. We follow the scientists in their ups and downs and provide a personal portrait of the players involved. The crew followed the two scientists from the very beginning in 1991, and was present until the first results of the human tests were known.
Release: 1996 (Denmark)
Duration: 52 minutes
Genre: Documentary
Spoken language: Danish
Director: Alex Frank Larsen
Cinematography: Thomas Hass, Leif Jappe, John Johansen, Robert Massey, Allan Mørch, Lars Schou and Gunnar Westerlind
Editor: Jeff McBride
Sound Design: Keld Ove Hansen and Jon Rytter
Composer: Michael Gyldendal
Producer: Lise Lense-Møller
Production Country: Denmark
Production Company: Magic Hour Films
Coproducers: DR and TV Fakta
Produced with support from: The Nordic TV Collaboration Fund, Assurandør Societetet, Sygekassernes Helsefond, AIDS-Fondet and Director E. Danielsen & Hustrus Fund.
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